Sunday, 18 November 2012

So Alicate, Spain. The party that should never have finished :(

as it went on tues the 30th Oct i got in a small jet plane and flew from Edinburgh to Alicante, Spain.

now for this i was a bit unsure of everything.
money was tight, i was going on my own
the hostel scene looked a little bit weird (bear in mind i have lived in hostels for over 3 years now)

now let me tell you this.

Alicante is by far my FAVOURITE PLACE in Europe so far.
the trophy was last held by Holland and has held it since the day i landed in Europe way back on the 2nd of June.

But as will all things, newer things must come.

so it started out with me getting lost. a lot.

getting lost in the airport while absolutely busting for a piss
getting lost outside the airport trying to find where the bus i needed to take to the city left from
getting lost while on said bus cause i have no idea when i need to get off haha.

there was a lot of getting lost

but man, was it worth it.
i will admit that initially i had only booked 3 nights in my hostel just in case i decided to check out another city, or the hostel was shite and i could then move.
 when i woke up after the first night, i extended all the way through.

i have lived in hostels for the last 3 years due to jobs and travelling, X Hostel Alicante is by Far my favourite in Europe and equal first in the world ( Toddy's no one can beat you but i have found your european counterpart)

i may have spent a fair whack of money in Alicante and i may have drunk a slight bit too much...... slightly

but by damn it was worth it.

from Halloween and countless tequila shots, to walking around the old town in a massive snap thunder/lightning/rain storm to finally seeing a somewhat decent beach and walking around a massive castle that shows some of the most amazing city scenery i've ever seen.

Alicante had everything i needed without ever leaving the city.
to be fair i had booked a few tour things outside the city but due to bad weather means were cancelled. :( just means i have to go back i suppose. :D

so all in all,
aside from walking around a fair part of the city and seeing the sights, of which i did get some fucking amazing photos from which are coming, i used the trip to spain as a reprieve of sorts.
after working 4 months straight in the boring little pub in Leith, i needed a getaway so Alicante provided me with that. whilst i didnt get to do everything i wished i had, i was able to do everything that i needed to.

to be fair though the following photos arent as good as i would like them to be. these are straight from the camera, i spent a few hours going through them and editing colors and lighting and whatnot, but picaso wont let me upload the edited ones.
im thinking it might be seeing the copyright watermark i put on them, so for now i will put the normal ones up. if i can figure it out i will put the edited ones up later.

there are a lot more photos of me, but they werent on my camera as were taken out when clubbing and i wasnt taking my DSLR out to the clubs haha. when they are uploaded i will flog a few of them haha.

I was told that X Hostel is the only one in the world to have over 120 people to have a X tattoo'ed somewhere on them....... the mind wonders...

to all the X hostel people i met. both customers and the workers, my time in alicante would not have been the same, to name a few
Simona, Hanna, Danica, Michael, Rachel, Sherrinlee, Emma, Claire, Tobias, Arriana, Sara, Fede, Armin, the Belgian lads, Jamie thank you for the time of my life, im coming back to alicante for sure so those of you still there cant wait to see you..
those that arent there anymore i hope to meet up sometime down the road.

On the Castle Roof Looking inland (oceans behind me)

Halloween party LMFAO IN THE HOUSE

The X Hostel Halloween get ups

Random St

My Favorite Italians Sara, Fede, Arianna

Few of Us from the Hostel.
Arianna, Me, Sara, Fede, Armin

Overlooking Old town

Pondering whilst wearing Fedes Sunnies

I Got a Cannon Between my Legs :P


See the bull fighters arena?

Masonry and Arch

Danica during a random drinking poker session

nice tiled roof

this awesome walkway from the castle to the old town

more randomness