Wednesday, 23 January 2013

So a hell of a lot to write about and way too many photos.....

Ok, so i have a hell of a backlog here to write about since my last post.

for your viewing pleasure and also to cater for my laziness im gonna go by the rule that a picture says a thousand words in place of actually writing a thousand words.

the last post i put up had me displaying my tattoos to the world for the first time.

since then, i have visited mates in the UK after i left my job in Edinburgh, i went to Africa for 3 weeks on safari's fishing trips, christmas with the family etc.

New years was celebrated in a University frat house basement bar in Munich, i have caught up with some of my dearest friends in Paris and am back in Alicante, Spain partying everynight.

so a brief blurb on what happened along the way to here.

As you know i was working in a small pub in Edinburgh, since then i quit my job as a bartender extraordinaire to begin my travels again, upon leaving Edinburgh I had planned on being at a mates birthday party in Rugby after i caught up with a friend in Dundee, and thus my trip south was planned.

after a quick stopover in Dundee i began my journey south.

Dundee to Stoke-on-trent took me close to 10 hours with the changeovers i had to make, but i made it there without incident and i spent an awesome 2 days in Stoke-on-trent with my brother from another mother and his family.

Zack i thankyou heaps for everything you, your family and friends did for me, from showing me some of the nightlife, to loaning me your sister as a chauffeur to show me around.
thankyou very very much and when you come back to aus everything is reciprocated double.

From Stoke-on-trent it was back on the train to the small town of Rugby where i had stayed before on my way north 5 months previously.

Now this was initially meant to be 2 nights and then i would have 2 nights in london before flying to Africa.


haha it was my mate gibbo's 30th birthday that week, so to celebrate i still had about half a bottle of this amazing bermuda rum. Goslings Dark Seal 151 Proof. at 75.5% it packs a hell of a kick but it is an amazing rum in small doses.

needless to say gibbo didnt make it past pre-drinks. Once again, sorry for that mate, however i did end up in town with the bartenders from the local pub once it shut and had a pretty awesome night haha.

3 days later i had caught up with the majority of the people i had met the last time i was there and i had gotten everything ready for my trip to africa.

Now, Africa was awesome, and i need to go back there so i can try to see a bit more of it but i just hope that in all of my future travels i dont have a flight anything, ANYTHING like the one that i had from London to Lusaka.

from the overbooked flight leaving 2 hours late due to overbooking and having to wait for the de-icing crews to do our plane, or the 5 kids within a 10 seat radius that didnt stop screaming, or the old lady behind my seat who kicked it every fucking half hour, it was the flight from hell haha. It was an overnight flight, so i had a few sleeping tablets in my bag that i could take if i needed it, after 5 of the little vodka bottles and 2 sleeping tablets, i managed to get 1 hour sleep on a 10.5 hour flight.....

needless to say i was absolutely fucked by the time i arrived in Lusaka the next morning.

now africa is gonna be a hard thing to write about so i think the photos will have to suffice.
From African Elephant rides, to Jet boating up the rapids of the Zambezi River, Sunset Cruises on both the Zambezi and Chobe to Safaris on and off land, to fishing trips in Namibian waters to Christmas with the family was absolutely awesome.

We had christmas in the township of Lumwana at the parents house.

Lumwana is essentially a great big coal mine and the mine itself has set up a township for the workers to live. it was pretty cool, dad took me on a tour of the mine and watched a blast etc.

anyway once Africa was completed it was off to munich for new years with the sister, then onto paris to see some of my dear friends and now currently partying in spain for another week.

photos galore.
Ice in the pond at Zacks place

Daisy and Megan

Me and Megan
Partying in Rugby

Partying In Rugby

Gibbo on the left

Gibbo's birthday

Party in Rugby

at the POW Drinks night
Elephant Riding in Zambia

Victoria Falls

Dad, Sharni, Me

Me and Sharni

Mum and Dad

ELEPHANT!!..... oh and Mum

African Lynx

Babboon :D

Victoria Falls

Me and Sharni

Overlooking the Jet boating area of the Zambezi


the passengers for the jet boating

~90km/h to 0 in 1 second and 180 degrees :D


Sunset cruise on the Zambezi

Sunset over the Zambezi

Sunset over the Zambezi

Sunset over the Zambezi

Sunset on the Zambezi with a Hippo

Sunset on the Zambezi

Crocodile :D
to get from Zambia to Botswana instead of waiting for the ferry the shuttle service included a speed boat ride

from the tables at Chobe Safari Lodge, Botswana

Jus Chillin'



lots of elephants and other animals


Intense game time

Our family Rondavel at Chobe Safari Lodge

a pod of hippos

a wee bit muddy

this little elephant was trying to scare the water buffalo out of the water so it could play in the mud

a 2 or 3 day old elephant

Warthogs playing :D

2-3 day old drinking


Babboons and bubba

Nitpicking bastards

Vulture because nearby was a dead elephant


here we have the rare sharni in her natural environment


Lioness just after a feed

fishing with dad on the Chobe in Namibia

Wild Dog

Fishing with Dad on the Chobe



little chimp throwing a cabbage

little chimp throwing a cabbage
just some of the souveniers from africa

reading on the plane to munich

The munich hostel bar

Fraternity we ended up partying at in munich on new years

munich rooftops

in munich

we need this store in aus

sharni and a german outdoor rink

me and german outdoor rink


me and sharni


Ariane and me

sharni ariane me

sharni and our friend rubens german doppleganger

at the louvre

me and sis

weird statue

just chillin with the mona lisa

big pointy thing

good times at the eiffle

for dad

arc de triumph

place de la concorde

Ferris wheel, place de la concorde and the Eiffle tower

reunited again
Charlie, Celine, Ross

Good times

I missed these girls :)


Sharni and Charlie at a outdoor rink in Paris

Celine and me

Celine and me

Absinthe is awesome

maybe not (she vomited all over my jacket after this)

Party in Paris

Party in Paris

Party in Paris

Party in Paris

Party in Paris

Party in Paris

Party in Paris


Party in Paris

Party in Paris

The marvelous french family that put us up for 4 days, thankyou very much

Party in spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Party in Spain

Beer Pong

Me Toby and Sharni

Party in Spain

Me and Sis

Party in Spain