Sunday, 10 May 2015

Diving at Tangalooma

Now it has been a very long time since i last posted on here. this is for a number of reasons.

1. I was lazy
2. I hadn't done anything I had deemed interesting enough at the time to post about.
3. Circumstances at the time didn't always help when i was travelling.

Now since the last real post, i had just gotten back from Europe and was going back to Tour Guiding between Adelaide and Alice Springs.

now the long and short of it is that since then i have actually gone a long way.

After I did back to back tours for close to 7 months for Groovy Grape i got out of the desert and with 2 good mates drove from adelaide up to brisbane and then from there onto rainbow beach where i was going to start tour guiding on fraser island.
now this was an awesome place to start up on the east coast however through a few unforseen circumstances it didnt work out.

so i ended up working back in brisbane managing a carpark for the same company i was employed with before i originally left on my eurotrip back in 2012.
i lived with an awesome hippy dude for about 3-4 months and just kinda lived normal. it was weird, not ever really having a normal life before this.

however this was due to come to an end as the need to be travelling again was growing and the money wasnt as good living normally as it was in tourism working excessive hours.

So it was with that transition that i ended up moving to Moreton Island just off the coast of Brisbane to work as a tour guide out of the resort there. now this was actually not the change i thought it was going to be.

5 days a week, 40hr weeks. live on island it was pretty much a 9-5 day more or less just on an island. although the money was pretty good i didnt end up saving any money but i was able to pay off a fair chunk of my ball and chain to the financial institute.

June of 2014 i ended up moving from Moreton to the far part of Aus, i ended up moving to Broome where i worked for a company called Kimberley Wild doing tours around the Kimberley's.

This was it, this was the type of tours i was made to do and i had a blast, the one i did the most was the broome to broome day trip to windjana gorge and tunnel creek.
these two locations are definately up there in my absolute favourite places in australia.

If you are into Aboriginal culture then for me at least, the kimberley is the absolute peak of it in australia, one of the last places to be settled by the invaders (settlers) and as such the massive loss of culture the east coast endured was hardly seen at least, not on the same scale or anywhere near it.

so between working out of Broome and eventually moving to the Darwin depot for a few months it was time to go overseas again for a short stint this time i went back to europe for 4 weeks.

an amazing time was had, however a lot of money was spent too haha. so when i arrived back in brisbane a week later i was back on moreton island. now this was november 2014.

its now May 2015 and im still here and since the new year i am now also the manager of the tours department. so its never dull, but in my down time to keep me entertained since i dont have a 4wd here, i cant bring over a motorbike, i had to look for something to keep me entertained and stimulated.

i started diving, and i think its safe to say i have found my "thing" that is not 2 wheels.

i am now done my Advanced Open Licence through PADI so i am able to go to 30m below which is amazing.

here area  few of my pictures taken from my gopro whilst under.

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