Friday, 1 June 2012

Similarity between sleep, food and money? Don't need any of them.....

Or at least that's what I'm trying to tell myself as I sit here on the train going back to the city.

I haven't really slept for the past 2 weeks, or at least not properly, so if theres any mistakes within the blog, a paragraph that doesn't seem to mesh, you can blame it on the lack of sleep.

The lack of sleep you can blame on stress, be it from financial woes or just issues at work. The last few weeks have been hell.... Well a kind of hell anyway.

It's also been refreshing, in a really confusing kind of way.

Having sold everything I own to make this trip a reality, the fact that I am still not going to have much money is causing me a bit of distress as one can imagine. I have however been living in a mates living room (aptly named in this situation methinks).

Now Dan and Emma are uni students, who work part time and study full time. From spending the last few years living in places where you work full time and just scrape by, to seeing people who work only a small portion of their week and are still able to get by and live basically the same as what I was previously living, it's giving me a sort of peace of mind that living on the cheap can be done. I know it can be done but I have never ever been good at it.
So after living with Dan and Emma for the last few weeks it's giving me a new strength to make it work.

Thanks Dan, thanks Emma, you've both been wicked, I hope to see you over there, and keep in touch. I hope you like the picture I gave you.

In other news, it's less then 24hrs until I leave the country, now i can almost hear the collective sigh of relief haha, but as you can see in the above text, it's been quite frustrating but educational. At least I'm pretty much sorted now, that had been the largest contributor to the stress levels haha.

Having finished up with work on Wednesday afternoon, it meant I had yesterday and today to get everything I need to done done, and as far as I can think, it's basically done.

I've organized my stuff, dropped the family car to a friends place on the gold coast, organized the mail for mum and dad who are in Africa, I've bought my tickets to the pussy party tonight, and organized transport to the airport for tomorrow morning.

I think I have it all under control.... But there's still this niggly feeling in the back of my head?

I dunno, I reckon once I get off the train I'm gonna realize theressomething in the car that I needed or something like that. I know already I have forgotten my headphones in the car, well the little ones anyway so it means now that on the plane I will have to use my big DJ headsets. Oh well, shit happens.

I think that's about it for now. My trains nearly at the station anyway, funny how my first post on here was written on a train, and now my last post in the country is more then likely written on a train. If there's anything written later on tonight then I'm sorry as it will more then likely have a slight tinge of alcohol fueled conversation interspersed amongst it.

Au revoir my friends, will post up when I have the opportunity along my travels.

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