Tuesday, 10 July 2012

So my seemingly favourite place to write a blog post

Is by noting the most common locations and methods is on a train, whilst using the iPad.

I'm beginning to wonder why this is, could it be because of the rhythmic rocking of the carriages over the tracks, could it be that whenever I look up there's nothing but blurring greenery going past the window? I don't know to be honest but I just know from past posts that I have made a fair few posts from the trains of 2 different continents.

Ok so now to the brunt of the matter,

The root of all evil.

You either have it or you don't,
You either have enough or you don't.

Right now I'm I'm the latter of both above statements.

I don't have much left and what I do have isn't enough, so I have been searching through the town of Rugby for a job, I think I've handed out close to 10 resumes a day.


I have even gone further abroad looking for work, which is actually the reason for my being on a train at this point in time.
I'm currently returning from a job interview which was held just on the outskirts of the smallish town of redditch which is south of Birmingham.

All going well I will be getting a phone call from the company on thursday hopefully.
The company is similar to sizzlers in Australia but with a bar.

And theyre hiring for bar staff.

The isn't view seemed to go pretty good, the assistant manager liked me so she said she will pass on her thoughts to the manager when he gets in tomorrow.



If I don't get money soon I have at best 3 weeks of doing nothing left. Then it's call the parents and get them to pay the changing fees for my return flight and back to aus I come.

Which is not really a desirable outcome at this point in time.
This job at redditch is s permanent full time position, so decent steady money.

Anyway thought I would out up a quick update of the situation so far.

all going well the trips still on, all filing I'll be back in aus within the next few months.


  1. Mate that's a tough gig but hopefully still a hell of an adventure. Hope the job comes good so you can prolong your trip o/s.

  2. yeh its a bit tough,

    but if theres no money nothing can happen.

    i have at the moment a bar that has said they will look after me here in rugby but i havent heard back from them yet.
